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Selene Gilmore appears in Psych: The Movie, Psych 2: Lassie Come Home and Psych 3: This Is Gus as Gus's love interest, fiancée and wife. She is portrayed by Jazmyn Simon.

Psych: The Movie[]

Shawn and Gus first meet Selene at the planetarium. Gus is immediately smitten and plans to make her his, but she catches him off-guard by making the first move and inviting him up to the telescopes. However, they quickly get into a fight about whether Pluto or Eris should be considered the ninth planet of our solar system. Selene then suddenly kisses Gus passionately, and he reciprocates before storming out of the planetarium in a huff.

The duo later meet her again at the morgue, where she managed to locate Gus through an Instagram post. After taking him aside, she explains that she has researched him all over the web and has chosen him to be her boyfriend. She hands him the "resume" of her romantic history as well as his favorite kind of sandwich (fluffernutter) and promises to give him some time to think her proposition over.

Selene later finds Gus once more as he gets back from Alcatraz, where he voiced his regret of not getting with her when he had the chance. He happily agrees to a relationship as long as he can be the "cheetah", which Selene allows. They kiss and make plans to join Shawn and Juliet on their honeymoon.

Psych 2: Lassie Come Home[]

Selene is worried about Gus and his devotion to their relationship when she cannot reach him for two days. She wants Juliet to file a missing-persons report, but Juliet tells her that Gus is safe and sound in Santa Barbara together with Shawn. Unfortunately she also reveals that Dolores O'Riordan, Lassiter's nurse at the Herschel House recovery home, has a thing for Gus. Selene is worried she might have lost Gus and insists she and Juliet travel to the home together.

Juliet first takes her to the prison in order to have Lassiter shooting suspect Reese Kessler recant his confession, but this fails when Selene drives him away by becoming angry at him (calling him "you ol' deadbeat D'Andre") for choosing to go prison for something he didn't do instead of taking care of his wife and kid. Juliet is then summoned to the Viking's Den Ice Bar, where Devon Tileback has just been killed. Buzz is the leading detective and so gets to meet Selene for the first time. Upon hearing that she is Gus's girlfriend, however, he assumes that Selene must be the nurse he has heard about. This enrages Selene, who abandons Juliet and takes her car to visit the Herschel House alone.

During the gang's final showdown with Per Asblorn, Selene suddenly enters the room after having visited Dolores. Still convinced that Gus likes Dolores back, she tells him she can live with his choice to date Dolores instead. She also reveals that the positive pregnancy test that Shawn had found earlier and assumed to be Juliet's is actually hers, causing Gus to faint from joy. Selene then takes advantage of her position right next to Per by stabbing him in the eye with the test, incapacitating him and allowing the gang to overpower him. While he's being taken into custody, Selene asks Gus to marry her. Shawn tries to interfere, because he always thought Gus would be the one proposing. Gus shoves him off, though, and happily accepts and convinces Selene to move in next to Shawn and Juliet with connecting pools in their backyards and a lazy river running through their living rooms. Selene then casually mentions one tiny problem she has to take care of: she is still married at the moment.


The gallery page for Selene Gilmore can be found here.
